Durga 131


I have been given the following assignment in an attempt to read, comprehend, analyze, reflect upon and discuss captured patient centered data.

Q 2




40yr old lady with chief complaints of dysphagia,fever,and cough since 2months was diagnosed with ESOPHAGIAL CANDIDIASIS OR TRACHEOESOPHAGIAL FISTULAwith past history of ARV ,confirmed TB.so,she was suggested with anti retro viral treatment that WHO RECOMENDED.On further monitoring there is a improvement of weight and CD4 T lympocytes.THIS treatment continues her lifetimes as she is aaids patient.



50 yr old male presented with comlaints of weakness of all fourlimbs since 8pm yesterday.As per past history and performing motor system examinations,radiological findings He was diagnosed with C3-C6 OPLL Osteomalacial changes referred for  Neurosurgical intervention,quadriparesis,hypokalemia.so suggested for screwfixation and lamenectomy to decrease further comlicatoins.


A 55yr old male patient with chief complaints of pain in abdomen since a week on further examinations there are decreased movements of Right upper quadrant on respiration.he was diagnosed with LIVER ABSECESS ,but is not drainable.as an alternate he was treated with antibiotics and advised for weekly followup until stable.

"https://143vibhahegde.blogspot.com/2021/05/wernickes-encephalopathy.html" https://saichennuru.blogspot.com/2021/05/online-blended-medicine-assignment.html?m=1#:~:text=https%3A//143vibhahegde.blogspot.com/2021/05/wernickes-encephalopathy.html

This is a case of WERNIKES ENCEPHALOPATHY secondary to chronic alcohol dependence ,uraemic encephalopathy,alcohol withdrawal delerium.He is a diabetic and He also has chronic ucer on heel of right foot.The treatment was given for sezieres and ulcer.Advised to avoid pressure over ulcer for healing.


We've got to learn a lot online too. As our college has created a group where we get all the cases taken up by interns and pgs and is being discussed and updated till the patient gets discharged. It feels accomplished .

It's great to have experience of taking the history of the patients admitting to our hospital in the 3rd semester itself and understanding why and how the disease is being caused. 

These questions are making us curious to learn clinical subjects more efficiently


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